Optimize your time and energy with our comprehensive plan management tool.
Tauplan is free to use, get started today by clicking the link below!
Every day consists of several things you need to complete or would like to complete. We help you with organizing those things by hiding things with lesser importance and prioritizing things which require more urgency. As you use Tauplan more frequently, it will learn to prioritize your things more effectively and yield better overall results.
Managing many things can be difficult. That's why we've created drawers. Each drawer is a place for things within the same category. For example, drawers may consist of “Shopping list”, “The office”, “Home”, or any other category you need. And yes - we'll help you automatically organize your drawers as well.
Managing all the things you need to complete each day without a plan in place reduces the likelihood that you will successfully complete all the things you had in mind. By using our tool to create a plan, you will improve efficiency and productivity on a daily basis.
Rather than investing in multiple ineffective tools, use Smart Rating by Tauplan. It’s a comprehensive tool which analyzes your plan each day and provides tips on how to be more effective. The more effective your plan is, the more time you will have available to complete other, less prioritized things.
Sign up and experience how Tauplan will make you more efficient firsthand!
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